DIversité - Adaptation - DEveloppement des plantes


Research at CIRAD
PhD in Plant Cellular Biology at University of Angers.


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Current location: IRD, Campus Lavalette, Montpellier, France

Research interests

PhD in cellular and molecular biology for plant, Frédéric is an expert in micro-propagation technics for tropical crops (20 years of experience). During his career, he managed different tissue culture production’s laboratories around the world. From 2007 to 2021, he was working for CIRAD in direct collaboration with Ecom group (coffee trader company), as Technical Director for sustainable coffee projects in Central America. He was in charge of the creation and the dissemination of new varieties of F1 Arabica coffee in Central America. Since july 2021, he has returned to France working with CIRAD team in Montpellier on cellular biology and genomic functional activities.

Ongoing fundings and projects

  • Guadeloupe and Martinique:  Relauching the coffee industry
  • BOLERO (2022-2026):  European project proposing to create resilient rootstock varieties for fruit tree crops to cope with climate change threats. (WP1= functional analysis of coffee gene involved in root architecture; WP5= Technology transfer of micro-grafting technique on coffee and on-farm assessments)
  • PRCC Café Nord Laos (2023-2027):   (WP3= evaluation of new coffee varieties in North Laos)
  • ECOM - CIRAD project:  Member of the « dissemination committee » of new F1 arabica coffee varieties around the world


  • Sarzynski, T., Bertrand, B., Rigal, C., Marraccini, P., Vaast, P., Georget, F., Campa, C., Abdallah, C., Nguyen, T. Q. C., Nguyen, H. P., Nguyen, H. T. T., Ngoc, Q. L., Ngan, G. K., Viet, T. V., Navarini, L., Lonzarich, V., Bossolasco, L., & Etienne, H. (2023). Genetic-environment interactions and climatic variables effect on bean physical characteristics and chemical composition of #Coffea arabica#. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 103, 4692‑4703. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.12544

  • Koutouleas, A., Blunt, C., Bregar, A., Hansen, J. K., Ræbild, A., Etienne, H., & Georget, F. (2023). Effects of interspecific grafting of #Coffea arabica# and elevation on coffee growth, yield, and quality attributes in Costa Rica. Scientia Horticulturae, 320, 16 p. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2023.112162

  • Kahsay, G. A., Turreira-Garcia, N., Ortiz-Gonzalo, D., Georget, F., & Skovmand Bosselmann, A. (2023). New coffee varieties as a climate adaptation strategy : Empirical evidence from Costa Rica. World Development Sustainability, 2, 10 p. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wds.2023.100046

  • Awada, R., Lepelley, M., Breton, D., Charpagne, A., Campa, C., Berry, V., Georget, F., Breitler, J.-C., Leran, S., Djerrab, D., Martinez-Seidel, F., Descombes, P., Crouzillat, D., Bertrand, B., & Etienne, H. (2023). Global transcriptome profiling reveals differential regulatory, metabolic and hormonal networks during somatic embryogenesis in #Coffea arabica#. BMC Genomics, 24, 19 p. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-022-09098-z

  • Marie, L., Abdallah, C., Campa, C., Courtel, P., Bordeaux, M., Navarini, L., Lonzarich, V., Skovmand Bosselmann, A., Turreira-Garcia, N., Alpizar, E., Georget, F., Breitler, J.-C., Etienne, H., & Bertrand, B. (2020). G x E interactions on yield and quality in #Coffea arabica# : New F1 hybrids outperform American cultivars. Euphytica, 216, 17 p. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10681-020-02608-8

  • Georget, F., Marie, L., Alpizar, E., Courtel, P., Bordeaux, M., Hidalgo, M., Marraccini, P., Breitler, J.-C., Dechamp, E., Poncon, C., Etienne, H., & Bertrand, B. (2019). Starmaya : The first arabica F1 coffee hybrid produced using genetic male sterility. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10, 13 p. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2019.01344

  • Awada, R., Campa, C., Gibault, E., Dechamp, E., Georget, F., Lepelley, M., Abdallah, C., Erban, A., Martinez-Seidel, F., Kopka, J., Legendre, L., Leran, S., Conejero, G., Verdeil, J.-L., Crouzillat, D., Breton, D., Bertrand, B., & Etienne, H. (2019). Unravelling the metabolic and hormonal machinery during key steps of somatic embryogenesis : A case study in coffee. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(19), 29 p. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms20194665

  • Etienne, H., Breton, D., Breitler, J.-C., Bertrand, B., Dechamp, E., Awada, R., Marraccini, P., Leran, S., Alpizar, E., Campa, C., Courtel, P., Georget, F., & Ducos, J.-P. (2018). Coffee somatic embryogenesis : How did research, experience gained and innovations promote the commercial propagation of elite clones from the two cultivated species. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 21p. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2018.01630

  • Georget, F., Courtel, P., Garcia, E. M., Hidalgo, M., Alpizar, E., Breitler, J.-C., Bertrand, B., & Etienne, H. (2017). Somatic embryogenesis-derived coffee plantlets can be efficiently propagated by horticultural rooted mini-cuttings : A boost for somatic embryogenesis. Scientia Horticulturae, 216, 177‑185. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2016.12.017

  • Etienne, H., Bertrand, B., Dechamp, E., Maurel, P., Georget, F., Guyot, R., & Breitler, J.-C. (2016). Are genetics and epigenetic instabilities of plant embryogenic cells a fatality ? The experience of coffee somatic embryogenesis. Human Genetics and Embryology, 6(136), 5 p. https://doi.org/10.4172/2161-0436.1000136

  • Breitler, J.-C., Campa, C., Georget, F., Bertrand, B., & Etienne, H. (2016). A single-step method for RNA isolation from tropical crops in the field. Scientific Reports, 6(38368), 6 p. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep38368

  • Bobadilla Landey, R., Cenci, A., Guyot, R., Bertrand, B., Georget, F., Dechamp, E., Herrera, J. C., Aribi, J., Lashermes, P., & Etienne, H. (2015). Assessment of genetic and epigenetic changes during cell culture ageing and relations with somaclonal variation in #Coffea arabica#. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 122(3), 517‑531. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11240-015-0772-9

  • Etienne, H., Bertrand, B., Georget, F., Lartaud, M., Montes, F., Dechamp, E., Verdeil, J.-L., & Barry-Etienne, D. (2013). Development of coffee somatic and zygotic embryos to plants differs in the morphological, histochemical and hydration aspects. Tree Physiology, 33(6), 640‑653. https://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpt034

  • Bodadilla Landey, R., Cenci, A., Georget, F., Bertrand, B., Camayo, G., Dechamp, E., Herrera, J. C., Santoni, S., Lashermes, P., Simpson, J., & Etienne, H. (2013). High genetic and epigenetic stability in coffea arabica plants derived from embryogenic suspensions and secondary embryogenesis as revealed by AFLP, MSAP and the phenotypic variation rate. PloS One, 8(2), 15 p. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0056372

  • Etienne, H., Bertrand, B., Montagnon, C., Bodadilla Landey, R., Dechamp, E., Jourdan, I., Alpizar, E., Malo, E., & Georget, F. (2012). Un exemple de transfert de technologie réussi dans le domaine de la micropropagation : La multiplication de #Coffea arabica# par embryogenèse somatique. Cahiers Agricultures, 21(2‑3), 115‑124. https://doi.org/10.1684/agr.2012.0553

  • Bertrand, B., Montagnon, C., Georget, F., Charmetant, P., & Etienne, H. (2012). Création et diffusion de variétés de caféiers Arabica : Quelles innovations variétales ? Cahiers Agricultures, 21(2‑3), 77‑88. https://doi.org/10.1684/agr.2012.0547

  • Bertrand, B., Alpizar, E., Lara, L., Santacreo, R., Hidalgo, M., Quijano, J. M., Montagnon, C., Georget, F., & Etienne, H. (2011). Performance of #Coffea arabica# F1 hybrids in agroforestry and full-sun cropping systems in comparison with American pure line cultivars. Euphytica, 181(2), 147‑158. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10681-011-0372-7

  • Menendez-Yuffa, A., Barry-Etienne, D., Bertrand, B., Georget, F., & Etienne, H. (2010). A comparative analysis of the development and quality of nursery plants derived from somatic embryogenesis and from seedlings for large-scale propagation of coffee (#Coffea arabica# L.). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 102(3), 297‑307. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11240-010-9734-4

  • Georget, F., Engelmann, F., Domergue, R., & Côte, F.-X. (2009). Morpho-histological study of banana (#Musa# spp.cv. Grande naine [AAA]) cell suspensions during cryopreservation and regeneration. CryoLetters, 30(6), 398‑407.

  • Georget, F., Domergue, R., Ferrière, N., & Côte, F.-X. (2000). Morphohistological study of the different constituents of a banana (#Musa# « AAA », cv. ’Grande Naine’) embryogenic cell suspension. Plant Cell Reports, 19, 748‑754. https://doi.org/10.1007/s002999900188

Books and chapters

  • Bertrand, B., Breitler, J.-C., Georget, F., Penot, E., Bordeaux, M., Marraccini, P., Leran, S., Campa, C., Bonato, O., Villain, L., & Etienne, H. (2019). New varieties for innovative agroforestry coffee systems. In P.-M. E. (ed. ) Côte François-Xavier (ed.) Perret Sylvain (ed. ), Roudier Philippe (ed. ), Bruno Rapidel (ed. ), Thirion Marie-Cécile (ed. ). (Éd.), The agroecological transition of agricultural systems in the Global South (Agritrop : 592997; p. 161‑176). Ed. Quae. https://www.quae-open.com/produit/114/9782759230570/the-agroecological-transition-of-agricultural-systems-in-the-global-south

  • Bertrand, B., Breitler, J.-C., Georget, F., Penot, E., Bordeaux, M., Marraccini, P., Leran, S., Campa, C., Bonato, O., Villain, L., & Etienne, H. (2018). De nouvelles variétés pour des systèmes caféiers agroforestiers innovants. In P.-M. E. (ed. ) Côte François-Xavier (ed.) Perret Sylvain (ed. ), Roudier Philippe (ed. ), Bruno Rapidel (ed. ), Thirion Marie-Cécile (ed. ). (Éd.), La transition agro-écologique des agricultures du Sud (Agritrop : 590491; p. 231‑256). Ed. Quae. https://www.quae.com/produit/1546/9782759228232/la-transition-agro-ecologique-des-agricultures-du-sud


  • Etienne, H., Georget, F., Bertrand, B., & CIRAD-BIOS-UMR RPB - FRA. (2014). Récipient pour la culture in vitro de matériel végétal en conditions stériles, par immersion temporaire (Brevet FR2974580 B1; WO2012/146872 A1; BR112013027846 A2; MX2013012473 A) https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2012146872A1/und

Research of the COFFEADAPT team
COFFEEADAPT team publication
Team members
Permanent and temporary staff