DIversité - Adaptation - DEveloppement des plantes

Research at CIRAD
PhD in Biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology at ENSA Rennes.


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Current location: CATIE - 7170 Cartago 30501 Turrialba, Costa Rica

Research interests

Luc is a researcher in agronomy specialized in the integrated protection of coffee trees against pests. He has over 20 years of field experience on coffee farming in Latin America. He is currently working in Costa Rica at CATIE where he is involved in the coordination of the partnership platform Agroforesta promoting agroforestry with perennial crops from Mexico, Central America, Colombia and Ecuador. Luc is currently leading an experimental field network in Costa Rica and Brazil for the ECOFFEE initiative aiming to reduce pesticide use in coffee farming worldwide.

Ongoing fundings and projects

  • ECOFFEE (Phase 2: 2023-2026):  Towards zero pesticide in coffee farming: a multi-actor and worldwide initiative leade by CIRAD end mostly founded by the coffee industry. (Phase 1: 2020-2022)
  • COFFEEDEEP:  a project for developing IA application on mobile device for coffee harvest prediction through the use of deep neural network (in progress with search for new collaborations for nest development steps)
  • PRETAG (2022-2024):  Reducing pesticide use in tropical agriculture through research & partnerships for impact: a CIRAD project focused on market gardening, rice, coffee, cacao and banana crops and founded by Agropolis foundation


  • Medina-Sauza, R. M., Solís-García, I. A., Blouin, M., Villain, L., Guevara, R., Barois, I., & Reverchon, F. (2023). Microniches harbor distinct bacterial communities at the soil-plant-earthworm interface. European Journal of Soil Biology, 118, 103531. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejsobi.2023.103531

  • Duong, B., Marraccini, P., Etienne, H., Villain, L., Hoang, T. G., Khong, N. G., Lebrun, M., & Duponnois, R. (2022). Potential of the coffee endophytic #Bacillus cereus sensu lato# strain CCBLR15 to control the plant-parasitic nematode #Radopholus duriophilus#. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 32(8), 971‑988.   https://doi.org/10.1080/09583157.2022.2070600

  • Medina-Sauza, R. M., Álvarez-Jiménez, M., Ortíz-Huerta, Y., Ruiz-Sayago, E., Blouin, M., Villain, L., Guevara, R., Sangabriel, W., Reverchon, F., & Barois, I. (2021). Bulk and rhizosphere soil properties under two #Coffea# species influenced by the earthworm #Pontoscolex corethrurus#. Rhizosphere, 21, 14 p.   https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rhisph.2021.100458

  • Gamboa-Becerra, R., Lopez-Lima, D., Villain, L., Breitler, J.-C., Carrion, G., & Desgarennes, D. (2021). Molecular and environmental triggering factors of pathogenicity of #Fusarium oxysporum# and #F. solani# isolates involved in the coffee corky-root disease. Journal of Fungi, 7(4), 23 p.   https://doi.org/10.3390/jof7040253

  • Couttolenc-Brenis, E., Carrion, G., Villain, L., Ortega-Escalona, F., Mata-Rosas, M., & Méndez-Bravo, A. (2021). Defense response to #Hemileia vastatrix# in susceptible grafts onto resistant rootstock of #Coffea arabica# L. Agronomy (Basel), 11, 17 p.   https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11081621

  • Lamelas, A., Desgarennes, D., Lopez-Lima, D., Villain, L., Alonso-Sanchez, A. G., Artacho, A., Latorre, A., Moya, A., & Carrion, G. (2020). The bacterial microbiome of #Meloidogyne#-based disease complex in coffee and tomato. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, 13 p.   https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.00136

  • Duangsodsri, T., Villain, L., Vestalys, I. R., Michalet, S., Abdallah, C., Breitler, J.-C., Bordeaux, M., Villegas, A. M., Raherimandimby, M., Legendre, L., Etienne, H., Bertrand, B., & Campa, C. (2020). 5-CQA and mangiferin, two leaf biomarkers of adaptation to full sun or shade conditions in #Coffea arabica# L. Metabolites, 10(10), 22 p.   https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo10100383

  • Couttolenc-Brenis, E., Carrion, G., Villain, L., Ortega-Escalona, F., Ramírez-Martínez, D., Mata-Rosas, M., & Méndez-Bravo, A. (2020). Prehaustorial local resistance to coffee leaf rust in a Mexican cultivar involves expression of salicylic acid-responsive genes. PeerJ, 8, 21 p.   https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.8345

  • Medina-Sauza, R. M., Álvarez-Jiménez, M., Delhal, A., Reverchon, F., Blouin, M., Guerrero-Analco, J. A., Cerdan, C., Guevara, R., Villain, L., & Barois, I. (2019). Earthworms building up soil microbiota, a review. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 7, 20 p.   https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2019.00081

  • Lopez-Lima, D., Carrion, G., Sanchez-Nava, P., Desgarennes, D., & Villain, L. (2018). Fungal diversity and #Fusarium oxysporum# pathogenicity associated with coffee corky-root disease in Mexico. Revista de La Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 52(1), 276‑292.

  • Aribi, J., Ribière, W., Villain, L., & Anthony, F. (2018). Screening of wild coffee (#Coffea# spp.) for resistance to #Meloidogyne incognita# race 1. Nematropica, 48(1), 5‑14.  

  • Lopez-Lima, D., Sanchez-Nava, P., Carrion, G., Espinosa de los Monteros, A., & Villain, L. (2015). Corky-root symptoms for coffee in central Veracruz are linked to the root-knot nematode #Meloidogyne paranaensis#, a new report for Mexico. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 141(3), 623‑629.   https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-014-0564-9

  • Villain, L., Sarah, J.-L., Hernandez, A., Bertrand, B., Anthony, F., Lashermes, P., Charmetant, P., Anzueto, F., & Carneiro, R. M. D. G. (2013). Diversity of root-knot nematodes parasitizing coffee in Central America. Nematropica, 43(2), 194‑206.
  • Villain, L., Aribi, J., Reversat, G., & Anthony, F. (2010). A high-throughput method for early screening of coffee (#Coffea# spp.) genotypes for resistance to root-knot nematodes (#Meloidogyne# spp.). European Journal of Plant Pathology, 128(4), 451‑458.   https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-010-9671-4

  • Anzueto, F., Figueroa, P., & Villain, L. (2008). Los nematodos del café, « Plaga perenne », una atencion permanente. El Cafetal - La Revista del Caficultor, 4‑7. 

  • Villain, L., Baujard, P., Anzueto, F., Figueroa, P., Hernandez, A., & Sarah, J.-L. (2005). Manejo integrado de nematodos en plantaciones de café de Centro America. Boletín de Promecafé, 102, 11‑19.  

  • Hervé, G., Bertrand, B., Villain, L., Licardié, D., & Cilas, C. (2005). Distribution analyses of #Meloidogyne# spp. And #Pratylenchus coffeae sensu lato# in coffee plots in Costa Rica and Guatemala. Plant Pathology, 54(4), 471‑475.   https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-3059.2005.01206.x

  • Villain, L., Anzueto, F., & Sarah, J.-L. (2002). Resistance to root-lesion nematodes in #Coffea canephora#. Nematology, 4(2), 157‑158.  

  • Villain, L., Anzueto, F., & Sarah, J.-L. (2001). Biodiversidad de los nematodos del café y su control. El Cafetal - La Revista del Caficultor, 3(2), 18‑20.  

  • Anzueto, F., Guyot, B., & Villain, L. (2001). Qué sucede con la calidad de taza al utilizar café injertado? El Cafetal - La Revista del Caficultor, 3(6), 14‑16.  

  • Villain, L., Molina, A., Sierra, S., Decazy, B., & Sarah, J.-L. (2000). Effect of grafting and nematicide treatments on damage by root-lesion nematodes (#Pratylenchus# sp.) to #Coffea arabica# L. in Guatemala. Nematropica, 30 Q-Efecto del injerto y de los tratamientos nematicidas sobre los daños ocasionados por el nematodo lesionador #Pratylenchus# sp. sobre #Coffea arabica# L. en Guatemala(1), 87‑100.  

  • Villain, L., Sarah, J.-L., Anzueto, F., & Molina, A. (1999). Uso del injerto y nematicida para el control del nematodo lesionador #Pratylenchus#. El Cafetal - La Revista del Caficultor, 1(4), 8‑9.  

  • Villain, L., Baujard, P., Molina, A., Pignolet, L., & Sarah, J.-L. (1998). Morphological and biological characterization of three #Pratylenchus# sp. Populations parasitising coffee trees in Guatemala. Nematologica, 44(5), 600‑601.  

  • Bertrand, B., Cilas, C., Hervé, G., Anthony, F., Etienne, H., & Villain, L. (1998). Relations entre les populations des nématodes #Meloidogyne exigua# et #Pratylenchus# sp., dans les racines de #Coffea arabica# au Costa Rica. Plantations, Recherche, Développement, 5(4), 279‑286.  

  • Villain, L., Sarah, J.-L., Decazy, B., Molina, A., & Sierra, S. (1996). Evaluation of grafting on #Coffea canephora# var. Robusta and chemical treatment for control of #Pratylenchus# sp in #C. arabica# cropping system (CIRAD-CP - FRA; CIRAD-FLHOR - REU, Trad.). Nematropica, 26(3), 325‑325.  

  • Guyot, B., Gueule, D., Manez, J.-C., Perriot, J.-J., Giron, J., & Villain, L. (1996). Influence of altitude and shade on the quality of coffee (CIRAD-CP - FRA; ANACAFE - GTM, Trad.). Coffee Research Institute Newsletter, 2, 3‑5.  

  • Guyot, B., Gueule, D., Manez, J.-C., Perriot, J.-J., Giron, J., & Villain, L. (1996). Influence de l’altitude et de l’ombrage sur la qualité des cafés arabica (CIRAD-CP - FRA; ANACAFE - GTM, Trad.). Plantations, Recherche, Développement, 3(4), 272‑283.  

Books and chapters

  • Carrión Villarnovo, G. L., Williams, T., Mercado Vidal León, G., Valenzuela González, J. E., & Villain, L. (2020). Implemento de un manejo integrado de plagas y enfermedades en cafetales de la Zona Centro del Estado de Veracruz. In D. P. G. (ed. ) López Morgado Rosalío (ed.) (Éd.), Diagnóstico, productividad y ambiente en cafetales : Estudios regionales y de caso (Agritrop : 598583; p. 333‑360). INIFAP  

  • Bertrand, B., Breitler, J.-C., Georget, F., Penot, E., Bordeaux, M., Marraccini, P., Leran, S., Campa, C., Bonato, O., Villain, L., & Etienne, H. (2019). New varieties for innovative agroforestry coffee systems. In P.-M. E. (ed. ) Côte François-Xavier (ed.) Perret Sylvain (ed. ), Roudier Philippe (ed. ), Bruno Rapidel (ed. ), Thirion Marie-Cécile (ed. ). (Éd.), The agroecological transition of agricultural systems in the Global South (Agritrop : 592997; p. 161‑176). Ed. Quae;   https://www.quae-open.com/produit/114/9782759230570/the-agroecological-transition-of-agricultural-systems-in-the-global-south

  • Villain, L., Lima Salgada, S. M., & Trinh, P. Q. (2018). Nematode parasites of coffee and cocoa. In C. D. (ed. ) Sikora Richard A. (ed.) Hallmann Johannes (ed. ), Timper Patricia (ed. ). (Éd.), Plant parasitic nematodes in subtropical and tropical agriculture (Agritrop : 589404; 3rd ed., p. 536‑583). CABI

  • Bertrand, B., Breitler, J.-C., Georget, F., Penot, E., Bordeaux, M., Marraccini, P., Leran, S., Campa, C., Bonato, O., Villain, L., & Etienne, H. (2018). De nouvelles variétés pour des systèmes caféiers agroforestiers innovants. In P.-M. E. (ed. ) Côte François-Xavier (ed.) Perret Sylvain (ed. ), Roudier Philippe (ed. ), Bruno Rapidel (ed. ), Thirion Marie-Cécile (ed. ). (Éd.), La transition agro-écologique des agricultures du Sud (Agritrop : 590491; p. 231‑256). Ed. Quae;   https://www.quae.com/produit/1546/9782759228232/la-transition-agro-ecologique-des-agricultures-du-sud

  • Bertrand, B., Marraccini, P., Villain, L., Breitler, J.-C., & Etienne, H. (2016). Healthy tropical plants to mitigate the impact of climate change—As exemplified in coffee. In M. D. (trad. ) Torquebiau Emmanuel (ed.) Cowan Paul (trad. ). (Éd.), Climate change and agriculture worldwide (Agritrop : 578422; p. 83‑95). Springer;   https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-7462-8_7

  • Rivillas, C. A., Villain, L., & Bertrand, B. (2015). Diseases caused by nematodes. In M. A. C. (ed. ) Alvaro L. Gaitán  (ed.) Bertha L. Castro Caicedo (ed. ), Carlos A. Rivillas (ed. ), Gabriel Cadena Gómez (ed. ). (Éd.), Compendium of Coffee Diseases and Pests (Agritrop : 576350; p. 37‑42). The American Phytopathological Society

  • Bertrand, B., Marraccini, P., Villain, L., Breitler, J.-C., & Etienne, H. (2015). La bonne santé des plantes tropicales pour atténuer les effets du changement climatique : L’exemple du caféier. In Torquebiau Emmanuel (ed.) (Éd.), Changement climatique et agricultures du monde (Agritrop : 575564; p. 84‑95). Ed. Quae

  • Villain, L., Hernandez, A., & Anzueto, F. (2008). Central America. In Souza Ricardo M. (ed.) (Éd.), Plant-parasitic nematodes of coffee (Agritrop : 546257; p. 261‑275). Springer [Allemagne];   https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4020-8720-2_14

  • Villain, L. (2008). Economic importance, epidemiology and management of #Pratylenchus# sp. In coffee plantations. In Souza Ricardo M. (ed.) (Éd.), Plant-parasitic nematodes of coffee (Agritrop : 546256; p. 65‑84). Springer [Allemagne];   https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4020-8720-2_5

  • Campos, V. P., & Villain, L. (2005). Nematode parasite of coffee and cocoa. In S. R. A. (ed. ) Luc Michel (ed.) Bridge John (ed. ). (Éd.), Plant parasitic nematodes in subtropical and tropical agriculture (Agritrop : 527051; 2nd ed., p. 529‑579). CABI Publishing

  • Villain, L., Baujard, P., Anzueto, F., Hernandez, A., & Sarah, J.-L. (2002). Protection intégrée des caféières d’Amérique centrale contre les nématodes. In Recherche et caféiculture (Agritrop : 508309; 1‑Mai, p. 118‑133). CIRAD-CP

  • Villain, L. (2002). Annexe 1—2ème rapport ATP 30/01, 2002. In Sarah Jean-Louis (Éd.), Compte-rendu annuel d’ATP/CIRAD. Caractérisation et mise au point d’outils d’identification des nématodes apparentés à l’espèce Pratylenchus coffeae. Compte-rendu d’activité de l’année 2 (2002) (Agritrop : 514217; p. 2 p.). CIRAD-AMIS

  • Villain, L., Anzueto, F., Hernandez, A., & Sarah, J.-L. (1999). Los nematodos parasitos del cafeto. In R. B. (ed. ) Bertrand Benoît (ed.) (Éd.), Desafios de la caficultura en Centroamerica (Agritrop : 391792; p. 327‑367). IICA

  • Villain, L., & Licardié, D. (1992). Evaluacion de epocas de aplicacion de nematicidas en cafetal adulto. In ANACAFE-DICAFE (Éd.), & CIRAD-IRCC - FRA; ANACAFE - GTM (Trad.), Memoria tecnica de investigaciones en cafe 1990-1991 (Agritrop : 467460; p. 102‑108). ANACAFE

  • Villain, L., & Licardié, D. (1992). Dinamica poblacional de Pratylenchus sp. En una plantacion de cafe adulto de la zona suroccidental de Guatemala. In ANACAFE-DICAFE (Éd.), & CIRAD-IRCC - FRA; ANACAFE - GTM (Trad.), Memoria tecnica de investigaciones en cafe 1990-1991 (Agritrop : 467459; p. 95‑101). ANACAFE

  • Duarte, M. T., Decazy, B., Villain, L., & Carrillo, E. A. (1990). Determinacion de la atractividad de frutos de varios cultivares de cafe a la broca del fruto del cafeto #Hypothenemus hampei# F., utilizando el metodo de olfatometria a nivel de laboratorio. In ANACAFE-DICAFE (Éd.), & Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala - GTM; CIRAD-IRCC - FRA; ANACAFE - GTM (Trad.), Memoria tecnica de investigaciones en cafe 1989-1990 (Agritrop : 467465; p. 47‑58). ANACAFE


Research of the COFFEADAPT team
COFFEEADAPT team publication
Team members
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