DIversité - Adaptation - DEveloppement des plantes


Research technician at CIRAD
Genetic improvement and sample management processing specialist
Bachelor of Science Analytical & Experimentail Biology at IUT de Tours


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Current location: IRD, Campus Lavalette, Montpellier, France

Research interests

Rémi has joined the team in 2023. He is involved in numerous team projects as sample management processing technician. His activities allow him to work in different disciplines such as molecular biology and in vitro culture.

Ongoing fundings and projects

  • BOLERO (2022-2026):European project proposing to create resilient rootstock varieties for fruit tree crops to cope with climate change threats. (WP1 = functional analysis of coffee genes involved in root architecture)
  • Breeding4Futur (2023-2027):  Harnessing genetic diversity to increase productivity and quality. (collaboration CIRAD - ECOM)
Research of the COFFEADAPT team
COFFEEADAPT team publication
Team members
Permanent and temporary staff