DIversité - Adaptation - DEveloppement des plantes
Researcher at CIRAD
PhD in Plant Biology at University of Montpellier.


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Current location: IRD, Campus Lavalette, Montpellier, France

Research interests

After completing several research activities in France, Djibouti, New Caledonia, and Vietnam, focusing on various biological models such as date palm trees, rhizobacteria, and rice, Mathieu obtained his PhD in Plant Biology from IRD Montpellier in 2018 within the Ceres Team. His doctoral research centred around the functional analysis of genes regulated by the CRL1 transcription factor, which play a role in crown root initiation and development in rice. Subsequently, in March 2020, he joined Gabriel Castrillo's group at the University of Nottingham as a post-doctoral fellow. His work there involved investigating Plant-Microbe interactions and their influence on root architecture. Notably, he demonstrated that the plant microbiota controls an alternative root branching regulatory mechanism in plants.
In 2024, Mathieu joined the team to contribute to the European projects Desira ROBUST (2021-2025) and Horizon Europe BOLERO (2022-2026). His research activities within these projects will focus on the functional genomics of genes involved in root architecture, particularly in relation to coffee's tolerance to abiotic stress.

Ongoing fundings and projects

  • DESIRA "ROBUST" (2021-2025): European project "ROBUSTa coffee agroforestry to adapt and mitigate climate change in Uganda". Local liaison officer & leader WP Breeding in Uganda 
  • BOLERO (2022-2026): Horizon Europe project proposing to create resilient rootstock varieties for fruit tree crops to cope with climate change threats. (WP2 = Improve knowledge on the root traits of 8 wild and domesticated species (RSA, plasticity, microbiome, root exudates, metabolites) and their interaction with their environments, and define selection criteria about drought, NUE and plasticity, elucidating genes expression and functions)


  • Gonin, M., Salas-González, I., Gopaulchan, D., Frene, J. P., Roden, S., Van De Poel, B., Salt, D. E., & Castrillo, G. (2023). Plant microbiota controls an alternative root branching regulatory mechanism in plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(15), e2301054120. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2301054120 

  • Gonin, M., Jeong, K., Coudert, Y., Lavarenne, J., Hoang, G. T., Bes, M., To, H. T. M., Thiaw, M. N., Do, T. V., Moukouanga, D., Guyomarc’h, S., Bellande, K., Brossier, J., Parizot, B., Nguyen, H. T., Beeckman, T., Bergougnoux, V., Rouster, J., Sallaud, C., Gantet, P. (2022). CROWN ROOTLESS1 binds DNA with a relaxed specificity and activates OsROP and OsbHLH044 genes involved in crown root formation in rice. The Plant Journal, 111(2), 546566. https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.15838 

  • Custódio, V., Gonin, M., Stabl, G., Bakhoum, N., Oliveira, M. M., Gutjahr, C., & Castrillo, G. (2022). Sculpting the soil microbiota. The Plant Journal, 109(3), 508522. https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.15568 

  • Lavarenne, J., Gonin, M., Champion, A., Javelle, M., Adam, H., Rouster, J., Conejéro, G., Lartaud, M., Verdeil, J.-L., Laplaze, L., Sallaud, C., Lucas, M., & Gantet, P. (2020). Transcriptome profiling of laser-captured crown root primordia reveals new pathways activated during early stages of crown root formation in rice. PLOS ONE, 15(11), e0238736. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0238736 

  • Lavarenne, J., Gonin, M., Guyomarc’h, S., Rouster, J., Champion, A., Sallaud, C., Laplaze, L., Gantet, P., & Lucas, M. (2019). Inference of the gene regulatory network acting downstream of CROWN ROOTLESS  1 in rice reveals a regulatory cascade linking genes involved in auxin signaling, crown root initiation, and root meristem specification and maintenance. The Plant Journal, 100(5), 954968. https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.14487 

  • Gonin, Bergougnoux, Nguyen, Gantet, & Champion. (2019). What Makes Adventitious Roots? Plants, 8(7), 240. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants8070240 

  • Phung, N. T. P., Mai, C. D., Hoang, G. T., Truong, H. T. M., Lavarenne, J., Gonin, M., Nguyen, K. L., Ha, T. T., Do, V. N., Gantet, P., & Courtois, B. (2016). Genome-wide association mapping for root traits in a panel of rice accessions from Vietnam. BMC Plant Biology, 16(1), 64. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-016-0747-y 

  • Mai, C. D., Phung, N. T., To, H. T., Gonin, M., Hoang, G. T., Nguyen, K. L., Do, V. N., Courtois, B., & Gantet, P. (2014). Genes controlling root development in rice. Rice, 7(1), 30. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12284-014-0030-5 

  • Gonin, M., Gensous, S., Lagrange, A., Ducousso, M., Amir, H., & Jourand, P. (2013). Rhizosphere bacteria of Costularia spp. from ultramafic soils in New Caledonia : Diversity, tolerance to extreme edaphic conditions, and role in plant growth and mineral nutrition. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 59(3), 164‑174. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjm-2012-0570 

Research of the COFFEADAPT team
COFFEEADAPT team publication
Team members
Permanent and temporary staff